Texas is one of the many states that allow for no-fault divorces. To finalize the divorce, you don’t have to find a reason or blame your spouse for marital misconduct. There is a “cooling off” period of 60 days in Texas, and that’s the minimum time for any divorce. If you are contemplating divorce, you are probably wondering – “Can I complete a DIY divorce successfully?”. The answer is not simple. In this post, let’s talk of the circumstances when hiring a divorce lawyer in Houston is absolutely necessary.
- When there is a fault involved. Separating spouses often do not agree on the key aspects of the divorce, especially when there is a fault on the part of your spouse. There are several fault grounds for divorce in Texas, including mental cruelty, abandonment, and adultery. If you believe that yours would be a complicated divorce, contact an attorney to know more.
- When your spouse has threatened you. People don’t often process the news of divorce easily. If your spouse has threatened you with dire consequences, or you believe that you have genuine safety concerns, call an attorney. They can help you evaluate the situation and help you determine the possible options related to the divorce.
- When you have considerable assets. Texas is a community property state, but that does not mean that all assets and debts will be divided equally. Fault, length of the marriage, and other aspects will be considered. If you and your spouse have considerable assets, you may want to talk to an attorney for advice and help.
- When you have issues with your spouse. If you cannot come to an agreement with your spouse on key matters related to the divorce, such as child support, child custody, and asset distribution, a lawyer is your best bet. Lawyers know what it takes to negotiate and mediate, and they can help you resolve issues amicably.
- When you are at fault. If your spouse has accused you of marital misconduct, you should consider hiring a lawyer. Things may not move as expected when it comes to key issues. Your lawyer can help protect your rights and interests.
Lawyers in Texas usually charge an hourly rate for divorce and family law matters. The longer you drag the divorce, the more you have to pay. Nevertheless, a lawyer can help you understand complicated aspects of family law and complete the necessary paperwork without errors, which could be a huge relief.
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