If you’re wondering how to shop for the most competitive car insurance rates, read on. The auto insurance rate is determined by several factors, including your age, gender, driving history, location, and credit. People with poor credit and driving records tend to pay higher rates. However, requesting multiple auto insurance quotes has no effect on your credit score. You can even get quotes from the same company and compare them.
When comparing car insurance premiums, it’s important to keep in mind that each insurer calculates premiums differently. That’s why it’s crucial to get multiple quotes and compare them to ensure you’re getting the best deal. This is especially true when it’s time to renew your policy. Bigger car insurance companies may not offer the most competitive rates. Instead, you should shop around and consider smaller insurers.
When shopping for car insurance, check the mileage of your car and zip code. If your car is newer or less expensive than average, you can find lower premiums with a lower mileage. However, drivers with high mileage and poor credit have higher premiums, so consider trading it in. You might be able to get a discount on your car insurance if you have taken a defensive driving course. In addition, some insurers offer discounts for improving your driving habits.
Using an online comparison tool such as SmartFinancial can help you find the best insurance rates. By using this tool, you can compare multiple auto insurance quotes from different providers in just a few clicks. The site offers an average rate savings of $435 per year when you combine your home insurance with your auto insurance. The process is straightforward: enter your ZIP code, choose an auto insurance company, and determine your cost and policy length. You can also input your driving history and list your addresses for the past three years.