Insomnia affects many people even without knowing. It is natural to have an occasional sleepless night, especially with an episode of excitement or anxiety. However, Bridgewater Respacare specialists recommend you seek expert help when you cannot get quality and quantity of sleep for a while, even away from major events. Remember that your body requires adequate rest, and insomnia often leads to health complications. Fortunately, managing the condition might only take some lifestyle adjustments, and you will be back to getting adequate sleep. Here are some helpful tips for you in dealing with insomnia.
Understand the Cause of Your Problem
Insomnia is often caused by anxiety or depression and can only be corrected when the problem is solved. Acute insomnia will occur when you are nervous or anxious about a major event, like when preparing for a job interview or wedding. However, depression can last for a while, making your symptoms last longer. It is important to evaluate the reason for your depression and stress and try to manage it to fight insomnia. Talk to your roommate if you think a certain behavior, like late-night reading, keeps you from sleeping.
Draft a Night Routine
Sometimes irregular bedtimes are to blame for insomnia. Depending on the nature of your job, it is crucial to set a constant sleeping and waking-up routine. Go to bed at a specific time and wake up at a particular time every morning. Your body will adapt to the system, and you will fall asleep when the sleeping time comes. Also, you can try incorporating some relaxing techniques around your sleeping time to prepare your mind in advance for sleep. Consider your favorite hobby, such as reading or listening to music.
Make Your Bed Comfortable
Making your bed sleep-friendly can motivate you to sleep. Ensure that you set your room to favorable conditions, including cleanliness, temperatures, and lighting. Understand the conditions which make you fall asleep, understanding that different people sleep in different environments. Open the windows if the room is too hot or turn on the fan. Use more blankets if the room is too cold, and wear warmer clothes when sleeping. Ensure you deem the lights or put them off to promote sleep.
Let Your Bedroom be Your Bedroom
It is important to eliminate distractions from your bedroom and only use them for sleeping and resting. No matter how much work you might have to extend at home, ensure you do it away from the bedroom. Also, remove tv and computers from the bedroom to avoid the temptation of using them during sleep time. Even living in a single room, it can be helpful to do everything from your desk and only use your bed to rest.
Keep off Stimulants
Some foods and drinks can keep you awake if you take them around bedtime. Caffeinated beverages should be avoided in the evening as they can make sleeping difficult. Also, avoid eating large meals before bedtime, which can cause discomfort and make it difficult to fall asleep. Also, it would be good to avoid exercise before bedtime. Again, avoid daytime naps which can make it difficult to sleep at night.
Insomnia can be effectively improved through lifestyle changes. However, it is important to have an accurate diagnosis for the medical professionals first. Contact the Respacare specialists for more information.