Naturally, veins are not usually visible on our skin; their appearance may mean different things. Sometimes they may indicate a health problem. Visible veins may or may not cause pain, among other uncomfortable symptoms. However, to some people, regardless of whether they are distractive or not, they may be a cosmetic concern. The vein treatment Frisco specialist at Prime Heart and Vascular offers comprehensive cardiovascular care to treat and eliminate visible veins. What causes veins to appear on your skin? Read below for more information.
What causes visible veins?
Veins enhance blood circulation in your body by pumping blood to the heart. Visible veins may occur when the veins face problems during circulation. Common vein problems include venous obstruction or chronic venous insufficiency.
Chronic venous insufficiency
Veins contain valves that help pump blood back to the heart. The valves prevent blood from flowing backward. When the valves encounter damage or malfunctions, they allow blood to flow backward, increasing pressure on your legs.
It results in chronic venous insufficiency.
Chronic venous obstruction
It is a condition where your veins have a blockage. Vein blockage develops when scar tissue in the veins damages the valves causing blood to flow backward. It may also restrict blood flow to the heart.
The elevated pressure in your leg veins may cause restless legs, neuropathy, visible leg veins, and leg swelling with time.
What increases your risk of vein problems?
Anyone can develop vein problems. However, different factors may increase your chances of developing vein issues. You may have vein problems if you have excessive weight, older age, or have a family history of visible veins.
Standing or sitting for extended periods may also trigger vein issues. Women may also have an increased risk of a visible vein due to the female reproductive hormone progesterone. Tall people may encounter vein problems more compared to shorter people.
What are the available vein treatments?
The Prime Heart and Vascular team led by Dr. Shah uses different imaging and testing techniques to evaluate your vein problem and find the best treatment. They may recommend an ultrasound, an MRI, venography, or a physical exam. After diagnosis, your provider uses the findings to create a customized treatment plan.
The treatments may include
Lifestyle modifications
Different lifestyle changes can improve your circulation and prevent vein problems. They include taking regular walks, elevating your legs when sitting, and taking a healthy diet. Healthy weight management and avoiding prolonged periods of standing and sitting may also make a difference in your vein health.
Compression stockings
Your provider may recommend wearing compression stockings to relieve the symptoms and restore your health.
Radiofrequency ablation
It is an innovative technique that uses a catheter to produce sound waves to heat and close the veins. Radiofrequency ablation has no downtime and only takes 45 minutes. Your provider uses numbing medicine to enhance your comfort.
It involves injecting a chemical irritant into the vein to enhance collapsing.
Your provider makes an incision and uses a special medical hook to remove larger veins.
Other vein treatments at Prime Heart and Vascular include clot removal, venous stent, and pelvic embolization. Call their office today to schedule your consultation and learn more about vein treatments.