The average person visits the dentist twice a year. In a regular checkup, you are examined by both a hygienist and a dentist. The hygienist can help clean and polish your teeth, speaks to you about dental care, and answers your questions. Conversely, your Emerson family dentist will examine the hygienist’s cleaning, do an oral exam of your gums and teeth, diagnose any oral health concerns, order X-rays (if necessary), and make treatment suggestions. Furthermore, checkups are essential not just for cleaning but also for detecting any issues early.
Importance of regular dental examination and teeth cleaning
Regular dental examinations are essential for preserving your oral health. They let your dentist monitor your oral health, discover tooth problems early, and give prompt treatment as needed. Skipping dental appointments can result in major dental issues, including tooth decay and periodontal disease. Many individuals are unaware that tooth cleanings are essential to maintaining good oral health. Regular dental checks are also necessary for detecting any issues early. Moreover, early detection of dental disorders provides the most conservative therapy alternatives and a better outcome.
What occurs during a regular dental checkup
Examining the teeth for symptoms of deterioration is one aspect of a dental exam. Your doctor or hygienist will examine your teeth and gums, do a neck and head exam and look for symptoms of diabetes, oral cancer, or vitamin deficiencies. Your bite, face, lower-jaw movement, and saliva may also be examined. A thorough assessment of your gums, teeth, and gaps between your teeth should be included in a dental checkup. Furthermore, it should involve a check of your throat, tongue, face, neck, and head for any other dental-related issues.
Difference between tartar and plaque
Plaque is a white bacterial coating that adheres to teeth. These bacteria generate acids that cause tooth decay and gum irritation. Fortunately, plaque can be eradicated with frequent brushing and flossing. When plaque sticks on your teeth for an extended time, it hardens or calcifies along your gum line, becoming tartar. When this happens, routine brushing is no longer enough to remove, which is terrible news for your gums. Tartar generates pockets that allow germs to thrive by pushing your gums away from your teeth. Tartar that is not eliminated by frequent professional cleanings can cause gum disease, generally known as periodontitis, and even tooth loss.
It is critical to take care of your health and feel strong. Frequent checks are an ideal method to do this. Regular checkups can assist you in maintaining your health and lower your chances of becoming ill. Your age, risk factors, and present health state determine the frequency you should see your doctor for a checkup. While opinions differ, routine physical exams are typically suggested once a year for people over 50 and once every three years for people under 50 who are in good condition. Additionally, if you have a chronic disease or other continuing health problems, you should visit your physician more frequently, regardless of age.
Dental health is vital for the entire body, and several health issues might occur if your dental health is neglected. One of the significant reasons you should see your dentist frequently is to prevent problems from developing. Seeing your dentist regularly is the greatest approach to ensure that you are preventing oral illness. Call Emerson Dental Arts to schedule your meeting today to learn more about the family dentistry procedure.