Spending time in nature, where you can rediscover and hone gut instincts, can be given an extra purpose by making your own herbal profi le. A herbal profi le is an intensive study of a small number of plants that are 18 The Complete Home Guide to Herbs, Natural Healing, and Nutrition common in your immediate surroundings. The process of creating a herbal profi le will help you to appreciate that the trees and “weeds” that grow around you are capable of feeding and healing you.
You’ll realize only too clearly that the whole body can be balanced and maintained by using what is to be found commonly growing. (See appendix 3 for further instructions and guidance if you wish to make your own herbal profi le.) On the pages that follow, I give brief profi les of sixteen plants widely available in Britain; most are also common in the United States, or are similar to species grown there.
Be aware that some of the herbs described here do carry contraindications. Burdock is used as a root vegetable in Japan. Highly nutritious, it will sustain the pancreas and spleen while balancing blood sugar levels. It is a strong general immuneboosting herb, rich in tumor-inhibiting chemistry.
As a prime blood cleanser it will clear the skin, bloodstream, lymph, and colon of poisons. It is best used in combination with dandelion to safeguard the elimination of collected toxinsParts used: fl ower, leaf, and root this is a wonderful herb for the liver, heart, and kidneys.
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It helps stimulate liver function in general, aiding digestion as it does. It is also a prime kidney herb, helping to relieve water retention without exhausting the kidneys. It treats gallbladder problems, edema, high blood pressure, heart weakness, skin problems, and many other conditions.
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